The Truth in Silence: Discovering Your True Self


Suffering in this world—such as deep sorrow or failure—might be seen as a gift, reminding us that this earth is not our true home. Through these experiences, we are driven to embark on a journey seeking something beyond the visible. It is a pursuit of deeper meaning and purpose that goes beyond mere comfort.

Our understanding is inherently limited. We perceive the world based only on our own experiences, and imagining the unfamiliar often confines us within existing frameworks. This limitation can hinder us from embracing new possibilities, as clinging to familiar images causes us to miss opportunities for self-discovery.

So, how can we transcend these limitations? The answer lies not in belief, but in living rooted in intuition and direct experience. True discovery occurs not through intellectual understanding but by deeply sensing with both body and mind. It is not about believing in something, but rather experiencing it, allowing the truth to take root within us as a solid foundation.

It may also be time to reconsider a life focused solely on outcomes. For instance, during school sports competitions, have we ever become so fixated on winning that we overlooked the bonds formed with teammates or the personal growth gained through the process? Often, we are consumed by visible results and success, failing to notice the quiet joy and serenity found along the way. Imagine visiting a flower field daily; new blossoms do not appear every day. Instead of being disappointed by this, we should recognize the stillness and tranquility present. Constantly expecting new flowers to bloom places an unnecessary burden on ourselves.

There is nothing as comforting as silence. It not only blocks external noise but also offers precious time to listen to our inner voice. Within this silence, we encounter our true selves. And this encounter becomes the driving force for taking the next step forward.

Suffering, limitations, and attachment to results—these are challenges we face on life’s journey. Yet beyond them lies a wealth of overlooked joys and discoveries. In silence, when we embrace the small moments of each day as new experiences, true peace finds its way into our hearts.


