危惧すべきことですが みぞおちが硬いのは現代人の特徴です
そういった画面を見ることがないという人は おられないのではないかと思います
みぞおちが硬いのが どうして危惧することなのでしょうか
エネルギーが足りませんので 身体の修復が充分に行われません
みぞおちを柔らかくすると 大脳の疲労を取ることができます
みぞおちを柔らかくすることは 現代人のお身体に適したお手当法です
四六時中 大脳を酷使している現代人ですから
夜寝る前に みぞおちを柔らかくしてから 眠ることをおすすめします
大きな病気をした人 大きな病気をする人のほとんどは みぞおちが硬い人たちでした
さらに 世の中には なぜか悠々と夢や願いを叶える人がいます
そうかと思うと がんばっているのに 努力しているのに なかなかうまく行かない人もいます
これはある種 対比的に捉えることができると思うのですが この対比構造は みぞおちが柔らかい人と みぞおちが硬い人の対比構造に似ています
みぞおちが柔らかくないと 夢や願いは叶いにくいと言われています
そう考えますと 夢をかなえる努力と同じくらい
みぞおちを柔らかくすることは 大切ではないかと思います
みぞおちに軽く指先で触れます 軽く押さえる感じでもよいです
息を吐きますと みぞおちは柔らかくなりますが
息を吸う時に みぞおちが硬くならないように注意しましょう
回数は10回程度と言われていますが みぞおちが柔らかくなるまで何回でも続けましょう
夜寝る前に行ないますと 自然とあくびが出てきて
息は鼻から吸って 口から吐くのが 正式な方法です
みぞおちが柔らかくなりますと 身体の疲労が取れ 大脳疲労も解消します
願いごとも叶いやすくなりますので しっかりと行ってください
The modern human body is characterized by one thing.
It’s a feature of the modern human body.
It’s a concern, but it’s a characteristic of the modern man that he has a stiff gut.
Why do modern people have a stiff gut?
Because our lives are centered around the cerebrum.
We use our eyes a lot.
People who use their eyes a lot also use their cerebrum a lot.
We look at TV and smart phone screens more and more.
Some of us work on computers.
In a day
I think there is no one who does not spend time looking at such screens throughout the day.
Looking at screens is an integral part of our lives.
Why is it that we are so concerned about the stiffness in our solar plexus?
Because too much energy is spent on the cerebrum.
Because too much energy is spent on the cerebrum and not enough energy is spent on repairing the body.
Because there is not enough energy, the body cannot repair itself sufficiently.
Softening the solar plexus can relieve cerebral fatigue.
Softening the solar plexus is the best treatment for the modern human body.
We are modern people who overuse our cerebrum all the time.
I recommend that you soften your groin before going to sleep at night.
In my past experience, most of the people who had a serious illness or who got a serious illness had a stiff gut.
And there are people in the world who can make their dreams and wishes come true with ease.
On the other hand, there are people who are trying their best, but are unable to succeed despite their efforts.
I think this can be seen as a kind of contrasting structure. This contrasting structure is similar to the contrasting structure between people who have a soft gut and people who have a hard gut.
It is said that without a soft gut, it is difficult for dreams and wishes to come true.
In this sense, it is as important to soften the dorsal lids as it is to make efforts to make dreams come true.
I think it is just as important to soften your gut as it is to strive to make your dreams come true.
Let me tell you how to soften your solar plexus.
Do it in a sitting position.
Touch your solar plexus lightly with your fingertips. You can also use a light pressure.
Breathe out with a loud gasp.
As you exhale, your solar plexus will soften.
But when you inhale, be careful not to stiffen the solar plexus.
The number of times is said to be about 10 times, but you can continue as many times as you like until your solar plexus becomes soft.
If you do it before going to bed at night, you will naturally start yawning and fall into a deep sleep.
The proper way is to inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.
The softening of the solar plexus will relieve physical and cerebral fatigue.
It will also make it easier to make wishes come true.