整体の観点から言いますと 何となく元氣ならそれでいいんです
めちゃくちゃ元氣とか ものすごく体調が悪いとか それだと困る
例えば体調が悪くなりましたけど 何となく何かをしている内によくなりました
明らかにこれをやったからよくなったんだって言うと 妄信が始まる
それはそれでいい面もありますが それが当てはまらなかったら それから抜けられないので あまりいいとは言えません
これからは乾燥が一層ひどくなりますから 加湿をしておきましょう
粘膜が守られるということは感染症になる確率も下がるということですから とても大事なことです
寒くもなりますから 冷えの対策をしておくのがよいでしょう
冷えの急処と言われるのは 足の指の3番目と4番目の間です
胃を温めるには 朝食を摂るならよく噛むものを食べるようにしてください
特に硬いものを食べる必要はありませんが 温かくて噛むものを食べるようにしてください
野菜スープでもお味噌汁の中の具でもいいので 大根でもニンジンでもごぼうでも何でもいいですのでよく噛むものを食べるようにしましょう
本格的に冬が来ていますから 朝は寒くて仕方がないです
タイマーをつけておいて 暖房がついて 部屋が暖まった状態で布団から起きるのが理想的です
冷えるのでよく温めますが 温めすぎると血が濁るので 水を噛むように飲む
冷えと乾燥に注意して いつも何となく健康な状態を保ち続けてください
It’s a new year in 2024.
How was it around you all?
The year has passed somehow.
From a Seitai of view, it is fine if you are somehow in good spirits.
If you are extremely energetic, or if you are extremely sick, that is not good.
For example, I was not feeling well, but after doing something, I felt better.
This is the best.
If you say, “Obviously, I got better because I did this,” people will start to have delusions.
Delusion that if I do this, I will get better.
That’s a good aspect, but if it doesn’t apply to you, you can’t get out of it, so it’s not so good.
The best thing to do is to say that something is better.
From now on, the dryness will be even worse, so humidification is a good idea.
Humidity protects the mucous membranes.
This is very important because the protection of the mucous membranes will reduce the probability of infection.
It will also be cold, so it is a good idea to take measures against cold.
The most common place to get cold is between the third and fourth toes.
Press firmly on this area.
This will mean that you have taken measures against cold.
At this time of year, it is important not to lower your body temperature.
I especially want you to think about raising your temperature first thing in the morning.
I want you to avoid drinking cold water or tea as soon as you wake up in the morning.
Try to raise the temperature of your stomach first thing in the morning.
I want you to warm up by drinking warm drinks as much as possible.
To warm up your stomach, try to eat something to chew for breakfast.
It is not necessary to eat hard food, but try to eat something warm and chewy.
It can be vegetable soup or any of the ingredients in miso soup. It doesn’t matter if it is radish, carrots, or burdock root, try to eat something that you chew well.
We recommend that you drink your morning protein hot.
Since winter is in full swing, it is cold in the morning.
Try to wake up in a heated situation.
Do not try to wake up in a cold room.
Ideally, keep a timer on and get up from your futon when the heating is on and the room is warm.
Warm up well as you get cold, but do not warm up too much as this will cloud your blood, so drink water as you chew it.
You drink as if chewing water little by little.
Be careful not to get cold and dry, and always keep yourself somewhat healthy.